Compared with the A65, it only use 4 pairs of output transistors per channel, but it already has pretty good thrust and low frequency control, at 4 ohms or 8 ohms, almost no difference with the A65. To reduce the output transistor can greatly reduce the cost. 700W E-type transformer supply, working voltage is the same as the original. 4 pairs of K1529/J200 FET per channel. The filter capacitance is 68000UF*2. The bottom has power soft start and signal input board. The structure and function are the same as A65.
Signal input: RCA or XLR (Selection by switch).
Output power: class A 60W*2/8ohm, 120W*2/4ohm.
Frequency response: 10HZ-40KHZ.
Distortion rate: 0.001%.
Size: 435*385*170mm.
Net weight: 27.86kg
Weight after packing: 30kg.
Price: BDT-2,20,000.00